
  1. Preheat the oven to 425°F. Place a 10” cast iron (or other oven-safe) skillet in the oven while it preheats. 
  2. Add the eggs, milk, flour, salt and pepper to the jar of a blender. Process for 30 seconds or until frothy and well combined. Allow the batter to sit for 25 minutes while the oven is heating.  
  3. When ready to cook, remove the skillet from the oven and add the Kerrygold Naturally Softer butter. Swirl it around the entire pan as it melts. When all the butter is melted, pour the dutch baby batter into the buttered skillet and return to the oven. Cook for 15-20 minutes or until the baby is puffy, lightly browned in the middle and darker brown on the edges.  
  4. Swirl creme fraiche on bottom of dutch baby. Top with salmon, capers, bagel seasoning, red onions and dill. Serve immediately.  

 Recipe Notes:  

  • Don’t have a blender? You can also use a food processor or whisk well by hand.  
  • Sour cream can be used in place of the creme fraiche.  
  • Raw red onions soaked in cold water can be used in place of the pickled red onions.  
  • Salt and pepper can be used in place of the bagel seasoning.  


Recipe by Garnish with Lemon.